As Planning advisors to Manchester United Football Club, Paul Butler Associates have assisted the Club in securing advertisement consent for a number ofsignage proposals both at Old Trafford Stadium and the AON Training Centre. Signage proposals at the Stadium have ranged from large scale banners on the external elevations of the stadium advertising events, to individual channel letters illuminated by LEDs such as that identifying the Sir Alex Ferguson Stand.Planning issues requiring consideration have related to the principle of the advertisements, impact on visual amenity, effect on public safety and their design. At the training centre advertisementshave included fascia signs comprising individual channel letters relating to the naming of buildings, totem signage at the entrance to the complex, and an illuminated Manchester United sign above the central pedestrian walkway.Each application required assessment of the signs in relation to the usual planning issues, in addition to impact on the Green Belt location.PBA have been successful in progressing all these proposals through planning.